Sunday, November 7, 2010

Awesomeness training continued (ACO or bust)

I'm going to keep referring to my ongoing training for ACO as "awesomeness training."  It may be silly, but it works for me :)  As I write this morning, I'm in a serious world of hurt, but pain is weakness leaving the body, right?  Anyway, inverted burpees have taken me down for the count, and everyone knows that day two after a workout is the worst, so here I am, day two, and I feel like I have whiplash.  Neck mobility is close to zero (I feel like I'm wearing a C-collar), but it's all muscle soreness/stiffness, and I'm confident it will only get better.  JDP said my inverted burpees were "legit," so at least I was doing them correctly! 

So to catch up, here are the workouts...


18 min cutoff, 5 rounds
   200m run
   20 box jumps
   10 shoulder press (75% of max, so 65lbs)

DNF'd this one with 4 rounds + 200m run + 20 box jumps.  All I can say is running and box jumps together = major suckage.

I went to Memphis over the weekend, missed Thursday's class, and basically rested the whole weekend.  I attempted my 8 mile long run on that Sunday, but it was rainy, and I managed 4.25 miles before the thunder and lightning started.  I figured it wouldn't be too smart to continue running in the rain next to a large body of water, so I stopped.  I did, however, run in the rain and it felt glorious!  I highly recommend a run in the rain if you get the opportunity, it was amazing!


CC Flyers, 3 rounds, 15 min cutoff
   400m run
   21 box jumps
   12 OHS (65lbs)

I finished this time!  Did this one in 13:27, last attempt was a DNF in August (only lacked 4 OHS), so progress!


Skill work was floor presses, I PR'd with a new max of 115lbs (previous was 100lbs)

For time, 1 round
   500m row
   30 wall balls (14lbs)
   20 burpee pullups

I think I must have heard JDP wrong when he called out my time to me, because I wrote down 8:08.  I think it was probably 10:08 or 11:08 though, because the best mens time was somewhere in the 8 minute range, and there's no way in hell I did the same time as the best man.  Several of my classmates beat me too, and they didn't podium, so 8:08 was more like wishful thinking on my part, lol!  Anyway, it was fun to finally get to do burpee pullups.


"Deadman's row"
   2000m row
   Max reps deadlift (185lbs Rx'd) subtract 5 seconds from row time for every deadlift completed

I was nervous about doing this one, but really excited too, because I always enjoy seeing how I would do in a sectionals or regionals WOD.  I ended up with a final time of 7:58.  I rowed 8:33 and did 7 deadlifts, and felt like a rockstar afterwards.  Go figure.  Some WODs just make me happy.


3 rounds, 15 minute cutoff
   15 inverted burpees
   9 front squats (95lbs)
   21 pull ups

I DNF'd this one with 2 rounds + 10 burpees.  Inverted burpees, fun, but taxing.  I pussed out on the front squat weight too.  I started with the Rx'd weight of 105lbs, and had no problem cleaning it before the WOD started, but once I went to the bar after the burpees, it was a whole different story.  I missed the first attempt at cleaning it, and panicked.  I kicked off my shoes, because it felt like I was sinking when I tried the lift.  Being barefoot helped a little on the second attempt, but my mind wasn't having it, and I choked on the second attempt.  So I dropped down to 95lbs and went with it from there.  I need to work on my front squats for sure.  They looked crappy, they felt crappy, and my elbows kept going down every time. Meh.

The half marathon training is going well, except for my second attempt at 8 miles.  I made the mistake of skipping the early morning run with Rogue, in favor of sleeping in a little and getting some much needed rest.  Bad decision.  I ended up running when it was 87 degrees out, and that little bit of heat smoked me fast.  I made sure to run out 4 miles to start, no matter what, because I knew I needed to get 8 miles done any which way I could.  At 5.25 miles I hit a wall.  I literally had to stop running.  I guess it just wasn't my day.  I walked to mile 6, then run/walked the last 2 miles.  I felt like shit, but it was done.  I'm having a hard time fitting in the shorter runs during the week too.  My schedule has gotten a little out of control these days, and fitting in 3 miles here and there is proving difficult.  The Wednesday quality workouts are tough but fun.  We ran mile loops in Travis Heights for hill practice this week, and did fartlek work the week before.  Next Sunday we tackle 9 miles...holy crap, say a prayer for me!

Operation muscle up and HSPU has begun as well.  I've started doing some PT with JDP, and after 2 sessions I have realized a couple of things, 1. I'm not as close to a muscle up as I thought I was (big LOL here, because I really thought I was closer to it than I am, and 2. Lo and behold, I'm much closer to a HSPU than I thought I was.  Hmm, go figure?  I can officially do a strict HSPU to a 45lb plate + one thickness of a green mat.  Woo hoo!!!  Progress!  Muscle up discussion will be held until a later date, nothing dazzling or impressive going on there, just working on my callouses for now :)

Longest. Post. Ever.  Thanks for reading the whole thing (if anyone did).  That's what I get for taking 3 weeks off from posting.  Happy crossfitting!

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