Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eat, sleep, run, WOD, lift, repeat.

So the training schedule is beginning to take it's toll on my 41 year old body.  I know I'm not "old", per se, but I think I need to do some research on recovery and the aging athlete.  I am so sore these days, it has me wondering if I need to be doing something different in order to facilitate better recovery.  I'll let you know what I find out. (If you have your 2 cents to share on this subject, or know someone who would like to give me their 2 cents on this subject, please feel free to share.  I'd really like to know what people think).

I still have a full schedule of workouts, which is making my Oly lifting coach very unhappy.  In a perfect world, Oleg would like to see me do Oly lifting only.  I expect nothing less from him, he is, after all, biased towards lifting.  When he hears that I did 55 muscle snatches or 50 cleans in a CrossFit WOD, he mumbles something in Russian under his breath, and shakes his head in disbelief.  I think I'm going to stop telling him what I've been up to when I'm not lifting.  Maybe he'll quit asking since he never likes my answers!  Having said that, here's what I've been up to:

Sun 11-7-10  5 mile run with Rogue through Travis Heights. The hills were alive!  I'm finding it easier to maintain a decent pace while running uphill, yay progress!

Mon 11-8-10  3.7 mile easy run before lifting.  Oly lifting went well this day, lots of energy at the gym, and all of us were cranking out some great lifts.  Oleg was happy with all of us.  Heavy cleans and muscle snatches, good times.

Tues 11-9-10

7 rounds (20 min cutoff)

5 burpees
10 toes to bar
15 KB swings (20kg...holy shit, yep, I swung a 20kg for the first time)

Wow, when burpees are the "resting" phase of your WOD, something is definitely rotten in Denmark.  Toes to bar were not as good as they've been in the past, so they were my slow point.  Finished this one in 18:11.

Wed 11-10-10  Started my second week of PT with JDP, working on HSPU's and MU's.  The mobility stuff he has me doing is kicking my ass, which is good.  Spent a little time on double unders too, and we've come to the conclusion that I need to get more intense when I'm doing these.  Actually managed to string about 5 together, again, yay progress!

Then I was off to Rogue for our quality run workout.  It was 6 miles total (according to the Garmin watch) but we ran to the track (about 1.75 miles away) then proceeded to do speed work.  Run a mile at half marathon pace (which started and ended at the track), shuffle run 100m, the 800m at 10K pace. Repeat.  Run back to Rogue.  I usually drive down 6th street on my way home, and all I could think about was pizza, Roppolo's (sp?) specifically.  I managed to drive past it without stopping.

Thurs 11-11-10 

3 rounds (6 min cutoff)

12 deadlifts (135lbs)
25 push-ups

DNF (FML)  I made it through 12 push-ups in the last round.  Eff me, that's all I could say after this one.  I was super stoked about the deadlifts, but not so happy to see them paired with push-ups.  I did all the deadlifts unbroken (woot woot!) and then there were push-ups.  I tried them with my arms closer to my body this time, and saw improvement in the number I could do before I had to take a rest. BUT, I hit failure in the second round, and ended up doing "sets" of 1 from that point on. Grrr.  I had to take a walk after this WOD because I was so frustrated and pissed off.  Push-up work has now been added to the schedule.  (And by the way, had to do this WOD next to Luke, who did it in 2:02.  Are you fucking kidding me? He's not human, I'm pretty sure).

Fri 11-12-10  Oly lifting!  Planned on doing snatch work, but because my arms were toast, we ended up doing cleans, and heavy clean pulls from blocks.  My pulls are great, now if I could just convince myself to get under the bar, I'd be in business.  I'm working on it!  Elbows are fast now, so that's improvement!

Sat 11-13-10  More HSPU and MU training with JDP.  Had several episodes of the giggles while doing HSPU's, this is contraindicated if you are upside down and trying not to break your neck.  MU work was hard!  (I know, duh!)  Did some of the crazy butt-band muscle ups with JDP assistance, and got the gist of what doing a full muscle up is supposed to feel like.  My wrists are sore and bruised today, but I'll take it!

Rest day today, skipped the long run with Rogue.  In the end, my hamstring health is a little more important to me right now than sucking it up, and possibly injuring myself, and pushing through 9 miles just to say I did it.  I'd rather have a healthy leg, than 9 miles under my belt.

1 comment:

  1. You may be over-training, seeing as you are on 7 days in a row right now. You don't have any real rest days, which is no bueno. Why not try taking at least ONE real rest day (which means no long runs either). Do nothing, eat well, sleep. I guarantee your body will feel better.

    Also, maybe take an entire week off of lifting heavy (including body weight) over the holidays or after ACO. Do some runs and yoga, then see how that first week of Jan programs goes...

    That's what I would do!

    You don't want to injure yourself or develop adrenial fatigue syndrome, which would keep you away from what you love so much. I know its tough to stay away, but listen to your body.

