Am I the only one who looks at what other people are doing (as far as training goes) and thinking, holy crap, I'm soooo behind!!!? I'm beginning to think I shouldn't look at what other people are doing, because all it does is make me feel lazy and crazy.
I'm working out five days a week (at least), I know I'm not really being lazy, but dang, I feel like I'm not doing enough. I feel like I should be stronger, faster, leaner, everything. In time, I know. My impatience is going to get me nowhere except injured or side-lined, so I will do my best with what I have at the moment, and keep moving forward safely.
I've started training with JDP again, to try and get me a little bit more prepared for the Fittest Games. Things are a little different this go around, because we're focusing more on overall strength and mobility, and putting HSPU's and muscle ups on the back burner. Day one was a great confidence booster, because I PR'd on my OHS with 85lbs.! I realize that's not super heavy, but it's 10lbs away from the magical 95lbs, so I'm happy. Day two kicked my ass, or I should say my arms and shoulders. What was supposed to be 3 rounds of max rope climbs in 3 minutes, turned into 2 rounds, because my arms and hands were so smoked from the first 2 rounds that I could barely make a fist! I only made it up 1.5 times the first round, and 1.99 times the second round. I was literally inches away from tapping the beam, but lost my footing and slid down the rope. Bruised thighs and a bruised ego, some rest, and then on to the next thing. Five rounds of L-sits, GHD holds facing up, and facing down. Hold until failure. L-sits had to be modified to what I call G-sits, because my knees were bent. GHD holds facing up were tough, holds facing down were not so bad (thank you posterior chain!!!). We added 10lbs in the second round, 25 in the third, then the 45lb plate for the last 2. Needless to say, my arms were toast when we finished. I felt good though.
JDP gave me homework, which I thought was interesting...go find out what the elite master's level women are doing. What's a good Fran time for an elite female over 40? How much do they deadlift? What are their max rep pullups? etc. You get the picture. Umm, those ladies who rocked it out at last years CrossFit games put in a SUB-5-MINUTE Fran time and the rest were sub-6!!!! Say what?! I couldn't believe it, I have my work cut out for me (and these gals are over 50!!!). The winning max deadlift though, 275lbs, my current PR, so that was some good news. Other things of interest: C2Bar Cindy 10-16 rounds, Double under Helen 7:03-14:56, max thrusters 110-128, Nancy 14:10 for first place. Finally, I have an idea of where I need to be in 4 years, for the 2014 games. JDP said I need to start referring to myself as an "elite master's level athlete", and to believe it when I say it. I told him, I'll get there, at least now I can say it without giggling. Well, almost.... :)
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