Saw the ortho doc today, and he cleared me to "get back to my regular workouts." Nice of him, seeing as how I never really stopped working out. Have you met me? Anyway, I feel good to go, some residual pain in the mornings, but I think I'm on the right track with getting my posture fixed and getting "organized" by Sam. I have a new issue with my right hamstring/glute, and Sam is also helping me get that worked out. Evidently, my right hip is weaker than the left, the glute isn't doing it's job properly, so my poor hamstring is taking up the slack. I'm trying to get this area strengthened up, because my leg is pretty worthless when it's tight as fuck! My runs with Rogue are getting longer and longer, so it's imperative that I get this thing back to working order. Our long run this weekend is 8 miles...whew! I'm going to have to do this while on vacation in Memphis. Can't wait to run around Shelby Farms like I used to! I'm hoping a change of scenery will make the run a little easier and more enjoyable. I'm getting kind of burned out on running the trail up at Brushy Creek, and was not looking forward to an 8-mile loop up there.
WOD's from last week:
Tues 10-12-10
Kettlebell ladder
10 squats
20 snatches
30 cleans
40 push ups
50 swings
40 push ups
30 cleans
20 snatches
10 squats
I don't remember the time cut-off for this one, and forgot to write it down, but I made it through the last 30 cleans. I once again got hung up on the push ups, THEY'RE SO TIME CONSUMING!!!! But, I did all of them on my toes, Rx'd this one with a 16kg kettlebell too.
Thurs 10-14-10
10 rounds
5 Hanging snatches
5 Burpees
Again, forgot the time cut-off, I think it was 10 minutes. After a short debate with JDP over how much I was going to use (which went something like, ME: "I don't think I can do 55lbs for 10 rounds," JDP: "Let me see you snatch it," ME: (as I'm demoing) "I should probably use 45," JDP: "Nope, that's your weight." (as he walks away). He was right, as much as I hate to admit, Rx'd this one with 55lbs, made it into my 9th round with 5 H. snatches + 3 burpees.
So my big news is that I've signed up for the All Cities Open in Dallas, in December. They're having a "40+ division", so I felt like I had to do it. I'm of course scared shit-less, but I've already paid, gotten the time off from work, etc. so I'm in. Fuck me. I have 7 weeks to get my double unders, and to get my push-up stamina built up. I could use all the support and encouragement I can get, because I truly am terrified. Here goes nothin'.....
I'm a forty-something CrossFit junkie, who loves Olympic lifting, and is trying to be as Paleo as possible. Chocolate is my kryptonite. My goal is to compete in the 2014 CrossFit Games as a Master's level competitor.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The week in review...
I had a decent week, felt a little more tired than usual, I think the non-stop schedule I've created kind of got the best of me. Sunday I had a great long run with Rogue. It was a hilly 6 miles through downtown, past DKR stadium, turnaround at 32nd or 38th, can't remember. CrossFit has ruined me for the "nice and easy" long runs, which I guess is a good thing. I finished first, couldn't help myself, had to run it like I meant it! The weather was fantastic too! Wednesday we ran our 2-mile timed run at the track. I finished in 17:27 which is great for me. My goal is to bring it down into the 15-16 minute range the next time we test. If I keep up the paces I've been running, I should have no problem attaining my goal of a sub-2-hour half. We'll see!
WOD Thurs 10/2/10
200m lunges
50 box jumps (20in)
30 deadlifts (185#)
Finished this one in 16:08, Rx'd it too with those 185# deadlifts, WOO HOO!!! I am pleased to say, I avoided post-deadlift-angry-back-syndrome after this WOD as well. I think my legs have gotten a lot stronger in the past few months from my Oly lifting, and I definitely felt like I used them more in this WOD. Saved the back!
WOD Tues 10/5/10
3 rounds
9 deadlifts (85# all movements)
7 sumo deadlift high pulls
5 push press
400m run
Finished this one in 11:00 flat. Rx'd as well, 10 seconds behind Clarkie...I'm gonna catch you girl!!! :) We both agreed that the run in this WOD was the big suck. I struggled a bit with the push presses too, I had to fight the urge to jerk it when I started getting tired.
WOD Thurs 10/7/10
Back squats 5-5-3-3-3 (75-85-95-105-125)
3 min row for calories
rest 30 sec
3 min ring rows
rest 30 sec
3 min DB floor press (25#)
I managed 125 (reps + cals). I jumped into Chris Hartwell's 4:00 class this day, so I missed my regular peeps from JDP's 6:45 class. I was really disappointed I couldn't do this one Rx'd too. I tried the 35# dumb bells, and it just wasn't happening with my left arm. I think I could have managed with the right. Tried the 30# ones too, and it was too much also. Meh, 25#, oh well. I need to work on my upper body strength obviously.
Oly lifting was good this week as well. We worked on snatch grip heavy pulls, using the straps and the platform on top of the platform, etc. Cleans from the platform, and got to do some muscle snatching. The shoulders feel pretty good, except when I'm trying to sleep. I'm through with physical therapy, but still seeing Sam for some ART. He said everything is looking and feeling better, progress! I'll see my ortho in 2 weeks, so we'll see what he says.
WOD Thurs 10/2/10
200m lunges
50 box jumps (20in)
30 deadlifts (185#)
Finished this one in 16:08, Rx'd it too with those 185# deadlifts, WOO HOO!!! I am pleased to say, I avoided post-deadlift-angry-back-syndrome after this WOD as well. I think my legs have gotten a lot stronger in the past few months from my Oly lifting, and I definitely felt like I used them more in this WOD. Saved the back!
WOD Tues 10/5/10
3 rounds
9 deadlifts (85# all movements)
7 sumo deadlift high pulls
5 push press
400m run
Finished this one in 11:00 flat. Rx'd as well, 10 seconds behind Clarkie...I'm gonna catch you girl!!! :) We both agreed that the run in this WOD was the big suck. I struggled a bit with the push presses too, I had to fight the urge to jerk it when I started getting tired.
WOD Thurs 10/7/10
Back squats 5-5-3-3-3 (75-85-95-105-125)
3 min row for calories
rest 30 sec
3 min ring rows
rest 30 sec
3 min DB floor press (25#)
I managed 125 (reps + cals). I jumped into Chris Hartwell's 4:00 class this day, so I missed my regular peeps from JDP's 6:45 class. I was really disappointed I couldn't do this one Rx'd too. I tried the 35# dumb bells, and it just wasn't happening with my left arm. I think I could have managed with the right. Tried the 30# ones too, and it was too much also. Meh, 25#, oh well. I need to work on my upper body strength obviously.
Oly lifting was good this week as well. We worked on snatch grip heavy pulls, using the straps and the platform on top of the platform, etc. Cleans from the platform, and got to do some muscle snatching. The shoulders feel pretty good, except when I'm trying to sleep. I'm through with physical therapy, but still seeing Sam for some ART. He said everything is looking and feeling better, progress! I'll see my ortho in 2 weeks, so we'll see what he says.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Getting "organized"
After 2 sessions with the mobility savior, Sam Sneed, my shoulders are feeling like a million bucks! Turns out all of my problems came from having crappy posture. I was completely oblivious about my poor posture. I looked through pictures from the Women's Challenge, and in every one, I am slouching big time. Because of Sam (and JDP) I've become more aware of how I stand, sit, etc. throughout the day, and have been constantly correcting my position if I catch myself slouching forward, or let my shoulders roll forward. I've been doing exercises to strengthen my "posture" muscles and my internal and external rotators. I think it's working. I tested the shoulders out this week, with some overhead lifts in my Oly class, and by doing "Cindy" on Tuesday. No problems so far. I made sure to ice after all workouts as well. No pain in the collarbones, woo hoo! I've decided to either cut back my physical therapy at Greater Austin Ortho, or eliminate it completely. I think that the work Sam has done on me and a few more sessions with him will ensure I'm on the right track to fixing my posture problem.
Workouts this week have been pretty good. I've managed to get all of my running in this week, and will cap it off with a long run on Sunday. Monday I cleaned 110#, not a PR, 5lbs shy of it, BUT, it was a smooth, clean lift with a huge pull, and it didn't knock me on my ass, like it used to. I felt strong, the lift felt great, progress! Tuesdays WOD, "Cindy" was very disappointing, I only managed 11 rounds and change. My pull ups and squats were no problem, but once again, I got held up with my push ups. I am on a mission to improve my push up stamina. I've been asking every elite Crossfitter I can find what they suggest I do to improve...we'll see how it works out. Thursdays WOD was a nice way to end my week! 200m lunges, 50 box jumps, 30 deadlifts (185# Rx'd) 16:08! I was happy with it, because not many women did it with the Rx'd weight. Yay me! :)
Workouts this week have been pretty good. I've managed to get all of my running in this week, and will cap it off with a long run on Sunday. Monday I cleaned 110#, not a PR, 5lbs shy of it, BUT, it was a smooth, clean lift with a huge pull, and it didn't knock me on my ass, like it used to. I felt strong, the lift felt great, progress! Tuesdays WOD, "Cindy" was very disappointing, I only managed 11 rounds and change. My pull ups and squats were no problem, but once again, I got held up with my push ups. I am on a mission to improve my push up stamina. I've been asking every elite Crossfitter I can find what they suggest I do to improve...we'll see how it works out. Thursdays WOD was a nice way to end my week! 200m lunges, 50 box jumps, 30 deadlifts (185# Rx'd) 16:08! I was happy with it, because not many women did it with the Rx'd weight. Yay me! :)
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