Saturday, September 4, 2010

CrossFit Total Week

I'll admit, CrossFit Total Week is generally not my most favorite week at Central, but it's necessary, and I get that.  Having said that, it turned out to be a fan-tastic week for me!  I was a little disappointed with my back squat, only managed 170lbs, but it was still a PR (up 5lbs).  Shoulder press, ahhhh, shoulder press...I have been stuck at 80lbs since March, but on Tuesday, I popped up a quick 85lbs, and it felt so good to get over that hurdle!  The best part of my week was on Thursday, when I pulled a 275lbs deadlift (up 30lbs)!!!!  I was so excited I could hardly stand it!  It's amazing what visualization and throwing things out to the universe can do for you.  I literally had 275 in my head all day, and made up my mind when I woke up that morning that 275 was going to be my number, and then it happened!  Oh, the power of positive thinking!

CrossFit Total:  530

The rest of the week went okay as well, except for a minor shoulder issue.  I have an appointment Tuesday to check it out and make sure I haven't torn or ruptured anything.  I'm pretty sure it's just a muscle/mobility problem, because after ice, Aleve, and massage, it feels a lot better.

Oly lifting this week:

Monday we worked on some light snatches 20kg, 25kg, and 27kg, clean and jerks 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 42kg, and 45kg, and clean pulls with straps 45kg, 50kg, and 55kg.

Friday we warmed up with some light muscle snatches, 35#, and 20kg, power cleans w/pause 30kg, 35kg, and 40kg, snatch pulls from the floor and below the knee 35kg and 40kg, and front squats 30kg, 35kg, and 40kg.

I'm going to end the week with a dinner at Malaga tonight, then I plan on doing a Tribe WOD for the first time on Sunday.  Can't wait to see what Lory and Annie have been up to with Miss B!

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